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2024 Days and Hours of Operation

We are closing for the 2024 season on Friday, 20 Sept.

We have tried to make your PYO outing a pleasant one. There is plenty of parking close to the berries, and the lanes between the highbush blueberries are kept mowed for easy access. You'll find picnic tables in the shade under the trees, and you and your family and friends are encouraged to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy a day outing with us. Summer cabin full of visitors? Bring them on an outing that everyone will enjoy - and you will end up with a freezer full of blueberries from their efforts!

Bring your own containers, or borrow our picking buckets that we have at the farm stand. When you are done picking, we have free plastic bags to bring your blueberries home in, or you may purchase quart containers. We usually also have ready picked fruit in the ice box that you may purchase if you don't have time to pick your own.

At the farm stand we have blueberry jams and syrup, Moxie and hiking tshirts and caps, blueberry cookbooks and cards, mugs, water and soft drinks on sale. We have added a shed next to the farm stand with old books for sale. For your convenience we also have picnic tables, a water tap and a porta-potty on site.

2024 Prices
$4.50/pound you pick

(there are about 2 pounds of fresh blueberries in a quart)

Ready Picked Blueberries are $10.00/quart or $5.00/pint when available


Hours of Operation

We are closing for the 2024 season on Friday, 20 Sept

Please call us if you have any questions or suggestions, and we hope to see you at Crabtree's PYO Highbush Blueberries this summer.

Allen and Penny Crabtree
(207) 787-2730

[Blueberry Home Page] [Directions] [Hours and Prices]

[About Blueberries] [Blueberry Recipes] [Getting Ready for Blueberry Season] [ PYO Blueberries]


[Water for the Blueberries][We Miss You Colby] [The Quiet Seasons] [E-mail ] [Crabtree's Collection Home Page]

Maine Blueberry banner and Sebago Map created by Allen F. Crabtree IV

This page was last updated September 20, 2024.

Copyright © 2002 - 2024 by Allen Crabtree